
Textile Manufacturers

Tonari Orimono

The factory considers communication and coordination are important in a manufacturing environment where a large number of complex processes are involved.
The president always focuses on making the tasks easier for the craftsmen and craftswomen. While inheriting the tradition and skills from the previous generation, the factory aims to expand the potential of the pongee beyond the traditional Japanese kimono.


The factory’s motto runs as: “Tradition is always made of new challenges.”
The factory started silkworm breeding a few years ago. The workplace now is surrounded by the sounds of silkworm eating the leaves and the looms in operation.

Hajime Shoji

Seeking new potentials of Oshima Tsumugi, the factory has rolled out its original brands: Amamifu and Crystal Oshima Tsumugi.
With “Creating new with Amami’s tradition and skills” as their main theme, the factory cultivates and addresses various demands by combining silk and other materials and developing wider Tsumugi looms for western clothes.

Maeda Tsumugi Kogei

The youngest Tsumugi producer in his 30s has been making efforts to repay many craftsmen and craftswomen for their great contribution to the industry. Starting from the design, the factory aims to pass the tradition of the world’s most detailed Oshima Tsumugi silk pongee to the following generations.
The factory aims to open the doors for the bright future of Oshima Tsumugi with new values. Maeda Tsumugi Kogei has focused on deepening its understanding on binding as the core process among a number of Oshima Tsumugi manufacturing processes.